Professor Dr. Byungjoo Lee

Appointments Held:

Visiting Professor,Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

Postdoctoral Researcher, Aalto University, Finland

Professional Services:

DIGRA 코리아, 일반이사 2023
한국 E스포츠 학회, 학술이사 2023
Associate Editor, ACM Games: Research and Practice
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports
Associate Chair, CHI2025
Associate Chair, CHI2024
Associate Chair, CHI2023
Associate Chair, CHI2022
Associate Chair, CHI2021
Associate Chair, CHI2020
Associate Chair, CHI2019
Associate Chair, CHI Play 2022 WIP
Associate Chair, CHI Play 2021 WIP
Associate Chair, CHI Play 2020 WIP
Associate Chair, CHI Play 2019 WIP
Workshop Chair, ISEA2019
Paper Committee, ISEA2019
Associate Chair, MobileHCI2019
Paper Committee, UIST2018
Associate Chair, DIS2018 Pictorial
Associate Chair, CHI2017 LBW


2014, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
2010, MS in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
2008, BS in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST


CHI 2024 Best Paper Honorouble Mention Award (x2)
2024 Fulbright Visiting Scholar
2023 연세 우수연구저역서 선정
2022 Okawa Foundation Research Grant
2022 Google Research Grant
2021 Yonsei Outstanding Teaching Faculty Award
CHI 2021 Best Paper Honorouble Mention Award (x2)
CHI 2020 Best Paper Honorouble Mention Award (x2)
CHI 2018 Best Paper Honorouble Mention Award